Thursday Jan 18, 2024

Episode 10: Influence of DNA (Podcast with Commander of the British Empire and APA Award Winner, Dr.Robert Plomin) [INFLUENCE SERIES]

How does our DNA influence our behaviors and identity? In the tenth episode of Influence Series, Professor P goes over the book "Blueprint: How DNA makes us who we are" by Dr. Plomin and has Dr.Plomin and one of his former students, Britta Jones, as his special guests.

"DNA is the best early warning system we have as humans". Dr.Plomin

Delve into the fascinating world of genetics and influence with Dr. Robert Plomin, a pioneering researcher in the field of behavioral genetics. Join us for an enlightening episode as we explore the profound impact of DNA on human behavior, cognition, and personality.

With decades of groundbreaking research under his belt, Dr. Plomin has revolutionized our understanding of how genetics shape who we are. Through twin and adoption studies, he has uncovered the significant role that DNA plays in influencing traits such as intelligence, mental health, and educational attainment.

In this captivating interview, Dr. Plomin shares insights into the complex interplay between genes and environment, shedding light on how our genetic makeup interacts with the world around us to shape our lives. From uncovering genetic predispositions to understanding the implications for education and healthcare, he offers a nuanced perspective on the power of DNA in shaping human behavior.

Through engaging anecdotes and thought-provoking analysis, Dr. Plomin challenges conventional wisdom and invites listeners to reconsider their perceptions of nature versus nurture. Whether you're a student of genetics, a healthcare professional, or simply curious about the mysteries of human behavior, this episode promises to spark new insights and inspire further exploration.

Join us as we unravel the influence of DNA with Dr. Robert Plomin, and discover the fascinating ways in which our genetic code shapes who we are and who we become.


*This episode's act of kindness suggested by our guests: Random act of kindness.

*Music: Copyright by Parsa Peykar

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